PDMI Industry Insights
Peer-to-peer education takes the shape of PDMI member success stories
shared as case studies or white papers.
Are you a marketer with a success story? Are you a supplier with a case study of your service working wonders for a client’s campaign? PDMI Industry Insights allow members a special opportunity to share expertise and educate fellow members by contributing case studies or white papers to our website.
Work directly with the PDMI team to publish your case studies quarterly: that’s right, each PDMI member is eligible to submit up to four case studies per year (once per quarter) for publication and hosting on a special page on the PDMI website. Once posted, those case studies will be promoted heavily in our publications (PDMI Weekly and Results Magazine) as well as our social media outlets. And you, too, can promote the piece once posted on the PDMI site as a third-party verification of the efficacy of your work and expertise.
For standards and style for your submission(s), reach out to Thomas Haire, the PDMI's chief content officer, via email with any questions — or with your proposed submission — to get the ball rolling for consideration and publication by clicking here: thaire@definitivemediagroup.com
We look forward to hosting your Industry Insights in the near future!