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COVID-19 Impacts on DTC Television Advertising

DRMetrix, a PDMI research partner and the direct-to-consumer (DTC) television industryʼs leading research company, uses automated content recognition technology to track television ads airing across 130 national networks.

In this report, DRMetrix studies the top 50 DTC advertisers for 2019 to see how their TV ad buys have changed in 2020 before, during, and after the national quarantine lockdown. We'll compare the top 50 web/mobile DTC advertisers to the top 50 traditional DTC advertisers.

During the quarantine period, you'll learn that the top 50 web/mobile DTC advertisers from 2019 reduced their media expenditures by 34 percent while the top 50 traditional DTC advertisers increased their media expenditures by 76.6 percent.

More importantly, you'll learn why so many traditional DTC advertisers were successful during the COVID-19 crisis.

Click below to download this exclusive research report now.


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